Spiritual Awakening Integration Support Application Name * First Name Last Name Email * Age * Phone * (###) ### #### Location * What is your IG handle? * http:// How did you hear about my work? * Tell me a little bit about yourself to help me get to know who you are. Where are you currently in your life? Where would you like to be? * Tell me briefly about the plant medicine experience(s) you would like to integrate (location, setting, type of medicine) * What was/were your intention(s) going into the experience(s)? * How do you feel about your experience overall? What insights do you feel will be the most difficult for you to integrate? * Are there any additional problems/challenges/situations you would like to work through during our time together? * Are you prepared to not only invest in yourself financially but also energetically? Note: Payment plan options are available. * Yes, 100% I’m a little nervous, but I’ll make it work No, I am not ready Thank you! Someone from our team will get back to you soon.